Resources from last night’s PDX SemWeb talk

Last night I gave a presentation at the Portland Semantic Web Meetup (“Goodbye, Semantic HTML!“. I touched on a lot of different aspects of embedding semantic references into HTML – past, present, and future. Below is a list of references to articles or tools that came up during the talk and discussion.


Microformats I’ve used:


Dublin Core Metadata (creators, copyright)

GoodRelations E-Commerce vocabulary (ontology)
GoodRelations Snippet Generator
GoodRelations Templates

How Best Buy Is Using The Semantic Web – an implementation of Good Relations in RDFa

HTML5 Microdata

Dive Into HTML5 on Microdata
Maxwell’s Silver Hammer: RDFa and HTML5′s Microdata
Microformats vs. RDFa vs. Microdata

Firefox Toolbars:

Operator (detects Microformats)
RDFa Developer (detects RDFa)

Jeffrey Zeldman’s Designing With Web Standards - a fantastic book for retraining you to think in terms of clean HTML and use CSS well.

Great XKCD cartoon on the current state of Higher Ed Web sites

3 thoughts on “Resources from last night’s PDX SemWeb talk

  1. sorry i missed this talk. are you promoting one of these approaches? all of them? none of them? whats a guy to do with his structured data??

  2. I’m looking with RDFa most right now, as an extension of my work with full RDF and OWL. Microformats are still getting the job done though for specific data sets (e.g. events, contact info).

  3. Hi! I am currently interested in creating a RDFa/ HTML markup generation library. I am searching the web for existing generator libraries and contributors to elaborate such solution.

    Ideally it would be using a logicless templatting engine similar to Django, Mustach, Twig that takes JSON as input, and creates prepared html partials that can be embedded through the other system views.

    Currently, my own blog (the beta. subdomain) is using WordPress as the database as model, and a layer reads, converts, and generates a and entities.

    If you have suggestions, ideas, they are welcome! Code is going open soon too!

    Introduction to the idea is published here:

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