
It’s been almost a year since I posted anything here… things have been crazy.

By far the biggest change has been my move to Portland, Oregon this past summer! After almost twenty years in State College, Pennsylvania (home of Penn State University), my wife and I decided to try something new, and relocated to the West Coast.

Portland is a great city – for you East Coasters, it ranks between Atlanta and Milwaukee in size – with a thriving food scene (including amazing food carts), great public transit, and an active tech and entrepreneurial sector.

Since relocating, I’ve launched back into consulting, presented at a couple of conferences, dusted off some old skills, and learned a few new ones.

So what got me back here, talking about things? Kevin O’Shea, a colleague in the Ed Tech world, threw down the gauntlet, challenging others to post one blog post per week. I share his feelings towards blogging, and have a much easier time sharing ideas on Twitter.Several of my colleagues took up the challenge, and I decided to throw in my lot.

I’ll be representing #teamicing.

Update: There is now a dynamic scoreboard for the participants in #nerdthunderdome.