TortoiseSVN Lightning Talk slides

Here are my slides from my Lightning Talk on TortoiseSVN from today’s PSU Web Developers’ Lunch:

Quick and Dirty Change Tracking with TortoiseSVN

The last slide has several links to additional resources.

If you want the longer version, here’s my full 60-minute slide set from the Penn State Web 2006 Conference:

Web File Version Control with Subversion

The slides are in S5 format — an open slide show system based entirely in Web Standards: XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

One thought on “TortoiseSVN Lightning Talk slides

  1. I’ve finally gotten my work environment on both version control and issue management. While it does present problems when I want to just get a fix or update out quickly (where 10 minutes of work require an additional 10 minutes of version management and documentation) the ability to plan for feature enhancements over a longer period, the documentation history, separate version copies, and the security of rolling back has more than paid off.
    The nicest thing to have happened with using these items has been AnkhSVN for Visual Studio. It integrates the Subversion system right into the solution explorer (including GUI symbols like green checkmarks) and lets you work on code without having to manually open pages from the filesystem. But the best is since I have a working copy locally, and VS debugs web projects in a virtual IIS service, I can do all my debugging and initial QA without having to push my changes to a server, or move files in order to compile changes. That alone is making .NET development using Subversion very nice.
    While I am also versioning my PHP projects using Subversion, I do not have a plug-in for Dreamweaver, as the open source plugin’s site is no longer active, and a reasonably priced commercial product I am dubious of since their "trial version" consisted of an empty installer .msi. So unfortunately I need to open my working copies from Explorer into Dreamweaver.
    There are still aspects of this configuration I need to iron out, such as the problem of tons of binaries being versioned and slowing down checkouts (I’ve excluded some of them from repositories, but to do anything more elaborate like using SVN externals is more than I care to do right now), but so far I’m loving it.

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